
Google Meet Receives New Features on Chrome

Penelope Cook 20 Jun 2022
Google Meet Receives New Features on Chrome Image

Meet welcomes more helpful features that may interest users. Chrome browser owners can use the multi-pin video and picture-to-picture tools. There are 4 video tiles of the meeting participants available for users in the floating window.

Meet from Google receives a new mode that is called Picture-to-Picture. It is available on Chrome. Meet is one of the most popular platforms used by teachers and students around the world. It is widely used by companies during business meetings. The new feature is expected to receive positive reviews from users who may find it helpful. This tool allows users to see tiles with four attendees of the meeting in the window that is floating on the screen on the top of other apps. Apart from that, there will be a multi-pinning feature released for Chrome’s version.

Google has made an official announcement on the blog, introducing the new mode. The Picture-to-Picture tool can be opened by pressing the menu with three dots close to the hang-up button you see on Chrome’s version of the Google Meet app. Tap it and you will be able to enjoy its features.

If you want to pin the video, you can simply check out the new features offered by Chrome. A platform for online meetings provides you with the opportunity to create pins for a wide range of video feeds. You don’t have to limit yourself to the one as it was before. The service provides access to the view adjusting on the app. According to Google, they hope this new option extends the opportunities for users and makes it easier for all the presenters and attendees of the meeting to fully engage in the call. Both new services are made for users of Google Meet. They began to appear on June 16.

Which feature do you like the most? Do you use Meet for your business meetings? Express your thoughts about it in the comments.