Zoom Starts Showing Ads to Basic Users

Zoom developers are planning to make changes to the free version. Soon, all users who do not have a paid subscription will see ads after they end conversations with the same “base” contacts. Although the platform representatives say that they will not interfere with communication, ads appearing in the middle of dialogue may still affect Zoom’s popularity. After all, Zoom began to be actively used in 2020 precisely because it did not greatly limit the possibilities of free members compared to those who have a paid subscription.
The company takes such measures to attract investments and have the financial ability to develop the service further. According to Zoom, user privacy will not be affected. They do not plan to use conference and chat content to target advertisements. We hope they’ll keep this approach in the future. Besides, you will also be able to manage cookies on the official website through a new banner that will appear along with the update.
Otherwise, the platform will remain as flexible and accessible as it was before. Adding ads is an expected step. The creators of Zoom have not made any profit from members who have used videoconferencing for free. It is not yet clear to which regions this innovation will apply, but there is an assumption that it will affect absolutely all countries over time.
Zoom currently offers four levels with different features. The minimum possible is the free basic tier, and the maximum is intended for enterprises, as it provides many convenient corporate options like cloud service and API. Whether the tariffs will be revised in the future, company representatives have not yet announced. In any case, the developers should be careful in this matter since it is unknown how users will react to ad insertions.